In brief. Trail enthusiast, researcher, developer, instructor, consultant & counselor. Trail guide since 1999, trail volunteer since 2003, PhD in information systems since 2008, task team co-chair in the World Trails Network since 2020. Studied IT, tourism development & theology. Trained in UX, non-governmental organization management and personal counseling (coaching). Expert on trail networks, marking & signage systems, GIS, data & information engineering, pilgrimages and spirituality. Research fellow at HUN-REN SZTAKI in Budapest. Co-founder of various trail-related initiatives & organizations in Hungary and Central-Eastern Europe, including the Viator Association for Hiking & Culture, the Mary Way, and the Pilgrimage Academy (Zarándok Akadémia).

About myself

I'm an idealist. I believe that there is something beyond this visible world. But I also believe that the Invisible is actively present in the visible world as well. And it is up to us to let it manifest. And we can do together to make who we are and what we live in more beautiful, better, truer. As well as what we leave behind. I have experienced that great works can be established with cooperation and openness to each other. But even if the dream is not fully realized, the desire, the aspiration, the thinking together and the cooperation are values ​​in themselves. In fact, these can often be worth more than the work itself.

I have always been interested in creating, developing, making more complete, and supporting. Offering and passing on my acquired knowledge, experience, and vision. I offer this in coaching, by the hiking and pilgrimage routes I am working with, as well as in the realm of information technology.

Many people ask how I can define myself. It is difficult to describe in one word or field. I am mostly a creator, developer, researcher, teacher and counselor. The three main areas I deal with, in my own words, are:
  • 'The Art of Life' (coaching, life design, support for personal development and fulfillment, spirituality - for those interested - on grounds of Christianity) 
  • 'Trailology' (mainly the development and study of recreational and touristic routes and trail networks, their signage and marking systems, and related consulting) and
  • 'IT & Systems' (information technology, system design and development, data modeling & engineering, research, programming, education, consulting).
And what is really exciting about all of this are mainly the overlapping areas:
  • Pilgrimage, self-awareness and spirituality based on personal experience of being on the way and in nature,
  • GIS, network information and route management systems, trail signage, waymarking and navigation systems as the intersection of digital and physical reality,
  • Modeling, design, philosophical, logical and theological issues related to the encounters of the physical and the digital world.

I live as a member of the Voluntas Dei, a Catholic secular institute (a form of brotherhood), which is present on almost every continent. Our community aim is to promote peace and fraternity, as well as to see and implement what the Spirit is calling and prompting each one of us for.